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The POWER career coaching & mentoring program combines my experiences of being mentored and of being a mentor and coach into a system that is easily implemented and will help you achieve career success.
For the last 40 years I have been mentored by Bob Davis, who I credit with literally saving my life. He taught me valuable life lessons, helped me believe in myself when I had no self-esteem. He placed me before individuals who displayed the highest levels of character and morals. One such individual was tennis legend and humanitarian, the late Arthur Ashe.
From my teens into my mid-twenties I learned about community, supporting others and the importance of how to use your skills to help others achieve their dreams. I learned these things directly from Bob and Arthur.
Many of my moral beliefs and values-based decisions are the ones that Bob, and Arthur instilled in me. The POWER program brings those lessons to you via our Monday Morning Message and our Connecting the Dots webinar series.
The Monday Morning Message is a weekly 1–2-minute video where I share an uplifting message using the alphabet. These messages are the same ones that I learned as a young adult. Each message ends with a quote from someone famous, and for the first twenty-six episodes, I end each one with a quote from Arthur Ashe. These videos are published on social media every Monday morning and are followed by a blog on Wednesdays and a testimonial video from one of my mentees on Friday.
The Connecting the Dots webinar series is our online curriculum where I provide you with tools that will help you plan and achieve your career goals and dreams. We literally connect the dots from my messages to the actual work you need to do to achieve career success. Connecting the Dots will be launching in mid November.
Click a link below to view the Monday Morning Message on one of our social media platforms